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CARE Branches

The Benefits of Branching

Club for Animal Rights and Education is proud to announce the creation of branches at the following schools. By adding branches, the student groups educate the public and fund raise for animals rights at a local and national scale. Please look below for each branch's announcements and achievements. 

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As the original CARE branch, MICDS focuses on spreading animal rights with fundraisers, lessons, and partnerships with the MICDS Lower School. Check out their page for updates!



Ladue CARE focuses on fundraising also focuses on raising awareness and fundraising for animal rights through many projects. Check out their page for updates!



Clayton CARE focuses on raising awareness and funds for world wildlife and local organizations. Check out their page for updates!



As a CARE branch, Marquette is excited to raise awareness for animal welfare and participate in fun events for animal benefit. Check out their page for updates!

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